Babylon 5

Babylon 5 3D Model Index   My attempt to index all B5 3D models available on the Internet.
Unreleased B5 3D Model Index   An index of B5 3D models that have not been released on the Internet.

3D Model Images

Vorlon dreadnought entering orbit
Vorlon dreadnought entering orbit (66 KB JPEG)

The 3D model and planet were created in Ray Dream Studio and rendered on a background created by the Universe program. Details and more renderings are available on a page about the model.
Small picture of battlecrab on purple nebula
Shadow Vessel on a purple nebula (52 KB JPEG)
Version 3

The 3D model was created with Ray Dream Studio and rendered using a background combining a hand drawn nebula and output from the Universe program. Details and more renderings are available on a page about the model.
Small picture of 3 Shadow fighters against a blue nebula
Shadow Fighters against a blue nebula (60 KB JPEG)
Version 2

Also created with Raydream 3D Studio. A page with more renderings and details is available.
Small picture of 4 Vorlon fighters against a red nebula
Vorlon Fighters on Modified MyCn18 Nebula (74 KB JPEG)

A page with more renderings, a brief movie and details on the model's construction is available.
Small image of shadow scout against a debris-filled red nebula
Shadow Scout on debris-filled nebula
(67 KB JPEG)

A page with more renderings and details on the model's construction is available.

Selected B5 Links

The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5  
Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5 is the definitive B5 web site, with detailed episode synopses, an episode guide that includes analysis, speculation and comments jms has made about each episode.

Epsilon Jumpgate  
Craig P. Condu's Epsilon Jumpgate site has many great B5 renderings using the fan-created 3D models.

Lars Jorteg has created a guide to the various ships of the B5 universe with nice pictures of most of them. The site has particularly good graphics design.

Babylon 5 3D Objects  
Todd Pederzani also maintains an index of B5 3D models available on the Internet. He also has little thumbnail images of renderings of each of the models.

B5 Ships Size Comparison - Matti Mäki-Petäys created a composite from models available on the Internet that shows the relative sizes of many of the spaceships in B5.

B5 CW Watch - Modeled on the CW (Conventional Wisdom) Watch in Newsweek, these often humorous capsule evaluations of B5 episodes are posted to Usenet and archived here.

Babylon 5 Official Site

Babylon 5 Game Links

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Updated 2001-9-9. Comments to
Copyright © 1997-2001 Evelio Perez-Albuerne. All rights reserved.