Medicine and Biology

WWW Molecular Biology Resources

Medline via the Internet

The Entrez system at the National Center for Biotechnology Information allows you to peform Medline searches for free. Medscape also offers free Medline searches, although you do have to register. Both these sites seem to retrieve the most comprehensive lists of citations. The Entrez system is somewhat more powerful since you can restrict search terms to certain fields (i.e. MEsH headings). It also allows you to view lists of allowable search terms (espcially helpful when restricting searches by journal since some of the abbreviations are not intuitive). The Entrez system also has links to the protein and DNA structure databases at NCBI.

Body Surface Area Calculator

I've written a small freeware program that calculates body surface area from the height and mass of a patient. The progam runs on Windows 95 or NT systems. It uses the formula of G.B. Haycock, G.J. Schwartz and D.H. Wisotsky (Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 93, pages 62-66 (1978)). The formula was reported to be valid for patients ranging from infants to adults. (Download the 143 KB zipped executable).

Links to Pediatric Hospitals / Departments

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Medical Journals Online

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Updated 2001-9-9. Comments to
Copyright © 1997-2001 Evelio Perez-Albuerne. All rights reserved.