Good C++ and Programming Books
- Aho, Alfred V.; Sethi, Ravi; and Ullman, Jeffrey D.
Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools
- Coplien, James
Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms
- Fowler, Martin Refactoring:
Improving the Design of Existing Code
- Fowler, Martin and Scott, Kendall UML Distilled,
Second Edition: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object
Modelling Language
- Gamma, Erich; Helm, Richard; Johnson, Ralph;
Vlissides, John Design Patterns: Elements of
Reusable Object-Orineted Software
- Hunt, Andrew and Thomas, David The Pragmatic Programmer
- Koenig, Andrew and Moo, Barbara E. Accelerated C++:
Practical Programming by Example
- Levine, John R.; Mason, Tony; and Brown, Doug
lex & yacc
- McConnell, Steve Code Complete
- Meyers, Scott Effective C++, Second Edition
- Meyers, Scott More Effective C++
- Nelson, Mark C++ Programmer's Guide to the Standard
Template Library
- Stroustrup, Bjarne The C++ Programming
Language, Special Edition
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